Monday, August 08, 2011

Whirl, whirl, whirl.

Tomorrow is the first full day of school with all our students.  The schedule is a bit weird as we're spending two hours in the morning with our homeroom going over and training the kids in the School Wide Positive Behavior Support (hereby known as SWPBS) system (for the next three days).  Fortunately all of my kids were here last year so it will be more of a refresher for them, although we did tweak it a bit.  What this also means is that I'll only have 30 minutes for each of my class periods.

Which isn't much...barely enough time to hand out all the paperwork for science class and get attendance done.

And I also discovered, yet again, one of the huge disadvantages of being at the beginning of the alphabet.  My first two observations will be next week.  (We have a new state-wide observation system where ALL teachers get observed at least four times a year.)  I'll barely know my kids' names by then.


I feel like I'm on a hamster wheel already.


Mrs. Gumby said...

Oh, dear god! Four evaluations a year?? Ugh for you and ugh for your administrators.

Tracey said...

Observed 4 times a year....that is crazy!

Ms Characterized said...

I'm sorry you have to go alphabetically! Here's to a great year, with a great start (despite the time constraints), and kids who don't hail from the Very Depths of Anywhere!

TeacherFromTN said...

We had our first teacher day yesterday in East TN. We spent the entire first day back doing evaluation training. Talk about depressing and morale crushing..... At least we aren't starting evaluations until October. Good Luck!!