Sunday, January 01, 2006

Goodbye Freedom!

Alas, tomorrow we head back to school. Granted, it's a teacher work day (which means no kids) which I guess is a nice way of easing us back into the groove. As usualy, I'm dreading it.

I've enjoyed sleeping in and taking naps.

I've enjoyed reading what I want to read and not what I have to read (did NOTHING towards grad school assignments and could care less).

I've enjoyed finally getting my guest room finished remodeled/decorated. Well almost...need to get some screws to hang a lamp but other than that it's good to go.

I've enjoyed actually spending time with Mr. Bluebird.

I've enjoyed knitting on a baby blanket I need to get done as a gift, despite the fact that I ripped it out and started over on it at least once.

In short, I've enjoyed doing what I damn well please. It's nice for a change.

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