Tuesday, May 22, 2012

And...They're Off!

Today was the last half day of school for the kids.  (We report tomorrow, then we're free for the summer, in-service season).

In nine years at The School, this has been, without a doubt, the best homeroom I've ever had.  They'll be a tough act to follow.  So, while part of me is glad it's summer, in-service season, another part of me was a bit sad to see my homeroom kids leave.

It's rare you get a bunch of kids who are, for the most part, nice, eager to please, and able to get along with each other.  I could leave the room to run an errand to the front office or guidance, and they'd behave perfectly, the entire time I was gone.  They were just that good.  (I always had someone keep on eye on them, just in case, but never was there an issue.)  I had other homerooms where it was risky to do hall duty.

I am really, really going to miss those kids.


Meaghan said...

I not only had classes that I could leave for a minute, I had classes that wanted to CLEAN ALL THE THINGS. My sevies had my room spotless by lunch today, so I'm ready for the end of school except for a few grades. Isn't is amazing how some classes are like that?

Darren said...

My students have 10 more days, and I have 11! Then again, I got a full week off for Thanksgiving, 2 (plus a day) for Christmas, a week off in February for Ski Week (officially "Presidents Week"), and a week off for Spring Break. I can't complain too much.