Wednesday, February 01, 2006

An Un-Stoopid Day

Once in a while one of my crazies will actually have a real honest to good wonderful day. It's rare, but when it happens it's like a hot fudge sundae without the calories. It almost makes you want to cheer.

Today Stoopid Boy had a great, no holds barred, out and out fantastic day.

Now before you all get in a fuss over the fact that I'm calling this critter Stoopid Boy, let me explain. His absolute favorite thing to say is, "This is so stupid." Everything, to this kid, is stupid. Class is stupid, science is stupid, doing classwork is stupid, the weather is stupid, you name it, it's stupid. About the only thing that isn't stupid is skateboarding. I swear we must hear the word "stupid" out of this kid a hundred times a day. So often, in fact, that Mrs. Language told him that the next time she heard the word stupid out of his mouth, she'd make him write, "This is stupid", 5,000 times. (She hasn't heard it since, by the way.)

Stoopid Boy has issues beyond issues. He's bright but he's just one of those kids who can't seem to adjust to life and middle school. He's goofy, he's got parents who are embarrassed by him, he hates school, (it is, after all, stupid), isn't wild about life itself, and he really likes to buck authority. There are weeks where I don't see him because he ends up in ISS before he makes it to my room.

Today he was amazing. He came in, sat down, and got to work on his plant observations. He even opened his notes and looked at his flower picture before his quiz. He took his quiz (he got 16 out of 20). He didn't yell (he loves to scream and yell across the classroom.) He didn't run around, he didn't act like a complete and total pinhead. He also didn't say the word stupid one time. He was so wonderful, and so delightful, that I had him run an errand for me out to ISS (he does, after all, know the route quite well!) He informed me that his goal (and he even used the word "goal") was to get a C on the vocabulary test on Friday.

Stoopid Boy was, in short, a delight. Just goes to show that there is hope.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yes, sometimes a ray of sunshine and hope comes into your day! When it does, it helps you remember WHY you decided to go into teaching. Sometimes I actually write the "rays" down in a journal or if it's a note, I post it.

In my "office" (I have a desk crammed in a library back room next to several computer servers)I have a note written by a student. I taped it to one of the servers. It says, "Mrs. Robin, Help! We are having computer trubble!" :-) I keep it taped to the server because it makes me smile everytime I look at it.

Hang in there, my friend. I know and YOU know you're making a difference in the lives of your students.