I'm showing a PowerPoint and the kids are taking notes on cell processes. The room is quiet and all of a sudden Diva Girl raises her hand so I call on her.
"Mrs. Bluebird, what do teachers do in their free time?" she asks. (Of course, this has nothing to do with what we're talking about.)
I respond with the first thing that comes to mind, "We grade papers," I tell them, "lots and lots of papers." Then I decided to amend it a bit. "We aren't different than anyone else. We take care of our families, have hobbies, the same things everyone else does."
At this point, one of the other kids, Auburn Boy, who happens to be sitting right in front of where I'm standing says, "if I were a teacher I'd be drinking every night."
That was the second thing that crossed my mind.
At that point I just cracked up, along with the rest of the class.